One week after I got my work permit, I found a job. It's not my dream job, indeed there's things I rather do and that I'd change at this job. But I count my blessings and stop bitching about it, cause what I needed was to get out of the house and feel productive again. So there!
I guess I'll have a lot to write about and a lot of reasons to do it, hahaha, I'll try to keep my word.
But it feels so weird to have reached this point in life... i dont feel bad about it and I dont regret any decision made in the past (well one, but it has nothing to do with this, I should have never had that haircut....) but it's funny to see myself today.

Ok I'm tired and trying to make sense but let's put it this way i'm torn between the following quotes:
" wenn du nicht weisst, was dein Ziel ist, brauchst du dich nicht zu wundern, wenn du ganz woanders oder gar nicht ankommst."
"wer etwas will, sucht Wege. WEr etwas nicht will, sucht Gruende"
So there.
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